It’s been a great first full season back following the pandemic and we hope you have enjoyed our events.
We continue to strive to bring you top class, well organised competitions, which allow you to play against other bowlers from many different countries, utilizing the best equipment, venues and formats to give you a great experience. We believe our tournaments give great value for money and will continue to do so.
As we are all aware, the cost of living & business costs continues to rise and following six years of static pricing we have taken the decision to raise our World Ranking Singles event entry fee to £30 starting with the 2023 UK Open. We are happy to report that all other event entry prices remain unchanged. Any players holding existing vouchers will have their value increased automatically to meet the new pricing structure.
We would like to ensure you, the players, that this decision has been based on several factors and with future investment in enhancing your bowling experience in mind. We have seen rises in venue costs and mat hire this year and we are also upgrading our live streaming equipment and services further. We thank you for your continued support.