One of our core beliefs is that our sport should be available to as many people as possible and most defiantly to the younger generation, after all this is where the future of the sport lies. As part of our commitment to raising the profile of Short Mat we decided to showcase the sport and hold a junior coaching morning at our new home base, the Bromsgrove Indoor Bowling Club. Simon & Craig went along and met with a new batch of keen young bowlers that have started long mat bowling on Sunday mornings. This included a lad as young as five who impressed greatly with his understanding of the sport and his undoubted skill level. An hour was spent with two groups who were shown the differences between the sports and they all tried it out for themselves. It proved a great success with several of the youngsters wanting to find a local club and play again. We hope this will be the first of many junior sessions we are able to hold and that numbers in the sport will start to grow again.